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spanish noob

A noob that speaks Spanish. Very common users among games.

*Noob dies*
Noob: u perra noob u hack perra feo

Person: Spanish noob.

by agtctae February 13, 2014

38👍 1👎

peasant box

A term synonymous with "game console".

Commonly used with PC users, in their ongoing, endless war with console users.

Pleb - Let's play some GTA! I have my Xbox!
Windows user - Get that peasant box out of my sight, my PC has superior hardware.
Pleb - You wanna go? Fight me big boy.
Android user - My app > all of you.

by agtctae April 6, 2014

30👍 2👎

lip bite

A cute thing that a girl can do.

Girl #1 - Sir, can I please have a raise?
Boss - No, get out.
Girl #2 - Sir, can I please have a raise? *bites lips*
Boss - *flustered* Y-yes.
Do not use the lip bite technique on other women.

by agtctae March 5, 2014

11679👍 8669👎