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Peruvian Oreo

When a college age white girl travels to any Latin American developing country on a "white savior" trip and ends up getting double-teamed by two local guys, but claims it was a crucial part of the cultural experience and swears up and down forever after that it was the greatest romantic experience of her life.

After college Becki told all her parents that she was traveling to Ecuador to paint orphans. But she really only wanted to meet 2 nice Ecuardian (A -cor - di -an )men to discover the secret of the Peruvian Oreo. After passing AP Spanish in college she knew she was ready.

by ahdonttouchthat January 4, 2019

Popsicle Stick It

When you use cartoon characters drawn on paper, cut out, and glues to popsicle sticks to play out a scene. But they basically just fuck.

I cant figure out if my OC will get along with your OC. Let's just popsicle stick it.

by ahdonttouchthat November 9, 2019