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Game Boy Advance

One of the greatest handheld systems of all time. It makes sense, as it's essentially a remake of the Last Great Game System.

Had one of the most expansive game libraries of all time, as it could play most other Game Boy and Game Boy Color games. Reasons to buy this system or its successor, the GBA SP, include but are not limited to: Castlevania COTM, most of the Final Fantasy games, the Pokemon series, and the Legend of Zelda series.

Those unlucky few who fail to realize that the SNES lives on in the GBA and later the DS and DS Lite are doomed to waste money on games and systems that focus so much on graphics over gameplay that they'll be playing episodes of Friends while the true gamers like us will be playing the games that made and continue to make history.

Game Boy Advance, we salute you.

by aka_Pyro May 6, 2007

65πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Game Boy Advance

A miniature gaming deity spawned from the Divine Realm of Nintendo. Great for long car rides, and owning the crap out of friends in 4-player games that are now sadly obsolete.

person1: dude, you bring your GBA?
person2: you know it!
(Game Boy Advance: yes, yes, succumb to my infinitely gargantuan library that makes the collective library of PS3 and Xbox 360 look like a school library selection of useful books. Alas, my library is only rivaled by that of my newer relatives, the DS and Wii!)

by aka_Pyro April 27, 2007

23πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

flesh pile

1. When two or more massive biological entities fornicate all over each other.
2. When one of said biological entities fornicates all over an organism that is lesser in size.
3. When some of said biological entities perish while fornicating, and the rest of the entities continue fornicating on, into, inside, through, and around said perished entities.

"Flesh pile" doesn't really need further explanation. Just use your imagination, and you WILL have nightmares for the next few months, guaranteed.

by aka_Pyro May 19, 2007

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Load Fairy's Target Practice

1. The most common victim of the Load fairy, used by him for honing his three key skills: speed, mass and accuracy (time elapsed between beginning of masturbation and the actual blowing of the load, actual amount of semen in entire load, and percentage of load that hit the bull's eye).
2. The person on the receiving end of a cum-shot.
3. Your mom.

1. The anonymous person drifted off to sleep perfectly, only to be awakened by the physical sensation of being the Load Fairy's Target Practice for the 2nd time that week.
2. That bitch? Yea, she's the LFTP, alright.
3. The dream your mother didn't quite aspire to by the time she turned 18, but she fulfilled it nonetheless.

by aka_Pyro May 20, 2007

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


1. Forceful, yet playful interaction between a throbbing happy-rod and <insert orifice here>. Doesn't really need much more explanation.

person1: haha! she got penised in her/the <insert orifice here>!

by aka_Pyro May 26, 2007

34πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

The Prodigal Knight

The nickname of Master Revan from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for Xbox and PC, given to him/her after successfully defeating Darth Malak, destroying the Star Forge, and bringing balance to the Force and justice to the galaxy. The significance of the name refers to how Revan was originally captured as a Sith Lord, brought back from the brink of death by Bastila, had his/her memory erased and rewritten, regained his/her memories of the Star Forge and of being Dark Lord of the Sith, remaining a Jedi despite the resurfacing memories, mastering the force...and so on. The point is, Revan was going to conquer the galaxy as a Sith Lord, and ended up saving it as a Jedi.

Master Vandar: We Jedi now have another tale to weave into the grand history of hour eternal Order - the Redemption of Revan, the prodigal knight.

by aka_Pyro May 7, 2007

43πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Ithurtswhenipikachu (PokeMonnorhea)

1. A Link Cable Transmitted Disease (LCTD) contracted by contact with an infected person, television set, computer, GameBoy, GameBoy Advance, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo DS, or Nintendo Wii, causing sore thumbs, headaches, the inability to forget anything related to this cash cow franchise, including but not limited to the names of all 493 pokemon, their stats, growth rates, locations and availability, habits, mating rituals, history, food chains, ecosystems, and origins.

2. Symptoms include: the inability to speak or think about anything unrelated to anything other than pokemon, and upon realization of the condition, a vain attempt to join in the conversations of others just to feel accepted after almost 10 years of knowing only pokemon as their god, and finally, a burning sensation caused whilst urinating.

person1:dude, did you see that episode of X-Play yesterday? Pokemon Diamond and Pearl totally got a 3/5!!
person2: lolzorz
chronic sufferer of Ithurtswhenipikachu (PokeMonnorhea): did you know that there are now over 493 different species of--
person1 and person2 together: stkfu, we don't want your disease!

by aka_Pyro April 22, 2007

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