Source Code


To roll horribly in a tabletop rpg. To be doomed.

I botched every roll last night. My character...is no more.

by akasha January 21, 2005

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


lestat de lioncourt...he is an awesome vampire...when i read the first part of the vampire chronicles by anne rice...i didn´t like him first...but in the second and third part i really started to like him very much!!he is a great vamp!!hehe...akasha (me..haha)wants him....especially the actor...hehe!!

come out,come out....wherever you are!!!

by akasha September 1, 2004

38πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


do you guys know lily lazor??hahaha...he is the guitarist of the finnish band HIM!!
he is one of the best guitar players in my eyes!!

lily lazor is also known as daniel lioneye!!
keep on rockin´!

by akasha August 31, 2004

9πŸ‘ 99πŸ‘Ž


1. The Sanskrit word meaning space or sky. (circa who knows? forever?)

2. The Force. The Fifth Element. The memory of god. Spirit: the human spirit and soul. All-encompassing spirit and energy of the Goddess and God. A religious(hinduism) idea from the middle east or east middle or somewhere around there. A fluffy new age concept. (circa ...a long long time ago.)

3. The 'Mother of all Vampires' who became a vampire through some stupid spirit entering through a stupid piercing. (circa 4011 BC, but actually, Anne Rice didn't publish her damned queeny book 'til 1988)

4. A girl's name. (circa 1984)

5. Aaliyah, who died shortly there after, sadly. (circa 2001)

1. What a clear akasha we have today.

2. Use The Akasha, Luke.

3. Among the most noted of Akasha's superior vampire traits were her ability to have kinky vampire sex, walk in the sun, and kill everyone.

4. Akasha, you're a convoluted monkey foof.

5. Aaliyah was a sucky-suck choice for the role of Akasha.

by akasha January 21, 2005

73πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


a beautiful 12 year old girl who goes to a catholic school

akasha i love you why dont you love me?-b
because you broke my heart you loser-a

by akasha March 29, 2005

32πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

kirsten dunst

damn...she is such a beautiful actress!
she seems to be very nice....and cute...hehe!!i nearly saw every single movie with her!!
best role:interview with a vampire
the movie deeply is also very good!!
and i would recomment the virgin suicide!that´s an awesome movie!!

kirsten dunst is one of the best actresses on earth in my eyes!!

by akasha September 1, 2004

313πŸ‘ 720πŸ‘Ž


A variant of the game Angband which is descended from the game Moria which is in turn based upon the game Rogue. A rogue-like game, set in the worlds of Amber created by the author Roger Zelazny.

I played Zangband for many hours of my existance. No, I really don't want them back, I'm done with them.

by akasha January 21, 2005

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž