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Rockin Like Docken

A compliment among Docken fans, to the other 99.99999999999999999% of the world it is an insult. Used to degrade some one who is new or just bad at playing an instrument.

"You think im any good?"

"Yeah man youre rockin!"


"Rockin like Docken."


by allatropic February 8, 2007

2👍 6👎


A strange derivitive of the word, "cool." Commin within the northwestern states of the U.S.

"That was drywall."


by allatropic February 8, 2007

6👍 24👎


A creature that, if you believe in it, it exists. If you believe it doesn not exist, then it exists.

"Hello I am a twenty one year old 120 pound virgin with c-sized breasts who does not have a boyfriend and is not crazy." -The words of a paradoxasaur.

by allatropic February 8, 2007

25👍 43👎


A person who has a strong hatred for wikipedia and takes extream mesures to vandalise it, using multiple acounts, ip adresses, and proxy servers to do so.

Wikinerd cries to himself, "why wont you wikinazis just leave my article on zoo planktin alone? Why? Why are you doing this to me god? why?"

by allatropic February 8, 2007

12👍 110👎


Laugh quietly to myself. Founded by Demetri Martin.

Demitri Martin, "Lol's are just over rated. I always type 'lqtms'. Its more honest anyway."

by allatropic February 8, 2007

245👍 205👎


Often ment to be a word for which there is no meaning, is actually the process of burping, farting, urinating, sneezing, and getting goosebumps without blinking, all at the same time. If you are lucky enough to witness such a thing, feel blessed.

"Dude it smells like somebody fluxnarked in here!"

by allatropic February 8, 2007

2👍 3👎


Once used to refer to something fancy. Now used to refer to something gangster.

"Yo dawg dem fubu's is fuckin swank."

by allatropic February 8, 2007

10👍 13👎