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Dirty Hippy who has mooched money so that they could join their dirty hippy friends in the least hospitable place in the country, the high desert of Nevada.

The group of burners were preceeded by their pack of lice and vile odor.

by alphahooker November 23, 2004

21πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


Like the above definitions. Funny thing is, I was calling a fellow co-worker that, who happens to be Indian (not Native American). Turns out Choad means vagina in Indian.

'Ram you're such a choad.'
'Why did you just call me that?'

by alphahooker November 23, 2004

4πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

burning man

Like wasting $1000 to hang out in the parched desert with 35,000 bitter hippies? If you answered yes to this question, then Burningmans for you! Come join the burned out Deadheads and deluded, hard-up Frat boys to chase the handful of washed up hippy women that were in their prime in the summer of love 1969. If you have any drugs, make sure to hoard them because everybody else will be! Not to mention the HUNDREDS of law enforement agents and their canine units just ITCHING to make a bust. Throw in the alkaline soil slowly eating away at any exposed skin, and you're good to go! Bring a women with you and watch 20 horney dirtbags instantly materialize to try to pry her away from you! This event might have been fun back in the '80s, but if you're really looking for a good time, spring break in Cancun is the place to be.

Now I know why they call it burningman, cuase man, do you get burned!

by alphahooker November 23, 2004

417πŸ‘ 390πŸ‘Ž

boston steamer

Leaving a steamy pile of shit on top of a glass table while somebody is laying under the table face up.

That glass coffee table would be perfect for a steamer, after we do lines of coke.

by alphahooker November 22, 2004

72πŸ‘ 171πŸ‘Ž

bad parent

abandoning/neglecting your drink.
Bad parents leave wounded soldiers

He opened up a beer but left it in the other room. He's being a bad parent

by alphahooker March 11, 2008

12πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Bar-B-Que, used mainly in the south

ya'll come on over for the cookout Sunday. Bring the grits!

by alphahooker November 23, 2004

200πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž

Cracker Barrel

A restaurant in the South, which got its name from old school Cowboys. Where the term cracker came from

Theres to many cracka's at Cracker Barrel. Lets get some viddles somewhere else

by alphahooker November 23, 2004

18πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž