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a point is 100 mg of any given substance (.1 of a gram hence the name)
Most commonly referenced when buying heroin, but is also used for any drug that is often sold in .1 amounts like crystal mdma.

jerry: yo u good i need 3 points
dboy: yea come thru

by amphboy January 18, 2019

40👍 9👎


west coast slang for crystal meth and heroin in the same intravenous shot. it is not to be confused with speedball (cocaine and heroin)

jay: I got clear and black you wanna goofball?
jesse: im on my way let’s get goofy.

by amphboy January 18, 2019

24👍 10👎

the cough

following a large intravenous dose of methamphetamine you will get an involuntary cough and usually subsequent feeling of being out of breath. it is the pinnacle of the crystal meth rush

chad: if u don’t get the cough u ain’t slammin enough bro

by amphboy January 18, 2019

11👍 2👎