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zulu foxtrot

Rarely used Military Slang for "Zero Fucks"; basically anything involing a soldier being a badass killer who doesn't give a shit.

"When your mommy need a dead commie and your zulu foxtrot game on point"

by aneumann April 30, 2016

74👍 6👎

Switched On

To be in the zone and focused on a task or during an event. People put in stressful situation who are rolling with the punches and not getting hung up on things are switched on. First responders, military personel and those who deal with dangerous and stressful situations are known to become "switched on" when faced with an event.

"This looks like a pretty bad car accident, get switched on."

by aneumann May 9, 2017

19👍 2👎

end of watch

Term usually used for the date when a police officer dies. Often seen in in memorium posts

'Officer John Smith, NYPD, End of Watch February 31st'

by aneumann April 20, 2016

Suitcase Nuke

A nuclear weapon the size of a luggage bag. Widely feared because it could be brought into a city and go off without any warning, but impractical in design and never fully made.

During the Cold War, many NATO leaders feared of coordinated sabotage using suitcase nukes

by aneumann April 3, 2015

zen anarchist

A person who believes that modern society has great problems rooted in it, and that people should use protest, criticism, and even gentle violence to achieve social change for the better of humanity. They also believe in the full rights of someone to do whatever they would like as long as it does not hurt others. They often look forward to a day when society as we know it ends in a massive way and there can be an apocalyptic new social setting.

I'm a zen anarchist. The way I see it, someday the whole world is going to go to shit. And I want to sit on a hill with a pair of binoculars and laugh.

by aneumann April 2, 2015

27👍 4👎