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pigeon slang for go to bed

"go brush your teeth before you go muy-muy"

by anexika August 22, 2006

6👍 13👎

aye aye aye

an expression used when feeling someone has done a very idiotic thing.

"that boi just fell off a rock"
"aye aye aye"

by anexika August 22, 2006

63👍 27👎


pigeon slang for the act of peeing

"i have to go she-she before i go in my pants!!"

by anexika August 22, 2006

47👍 60👎


korean for bath or shower

" are you going to bocha before you go muy-muy?

by anexika August 22, 2006

27👍 25👎


( I-yau )
a shortened version of aye aye aye

"that boi just fell of a tree"

by anexika August 22, 2006

4👍 9👎