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armor for sleep

The emo band that owns your mom's face off!!! Or something like that. Anyway, they rock!

Armor For Sleep is the best band in the world!

by annaBanana3 June 21, 2005

90πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


1. Technical def: One who attends or appears to attend a preperatory school, usually preparing for an ivy league college. Wears vests, slacks and loafers.

2. Slang def: One who wears clothes that are, in reality, too small for them. Girls usually wear lots and lots of pink and pants with a waitsband that is smaller in diameter than their actual waist. This causes their tummies to hang out over their pants (ew!). Girl preps are also usually airheads. Guys usually wear lots of browns and tans with tight, dirty-looking jeans. Preppy guys may also try to look punk by having a longer haircut or some such nonsense, but the only one their fooling is themself (and other preps). As far as music goes, they usually are adoring fans of J. Lo, Nick Lachey, Ashlee Simpson and the like. Is usually mean, snotty and clique-oriented. Usually looks down on anyone who is not a cookie-cutter image of them.

3. Anyone who wears a shirt that says "Punk". *Clear throat*...Ashlee...*cough*...Simpson.

1. Bob's family is so stinking rich and he wears those weird plaid vests all the time, he must be a prep.

2. Suzie is such a PREP! She goes around in that skin-tight pink shirt that says "Punk" on it and those jeans that are so tight she can barely walk in them. What a poser!

3. Ashlee Simpson is such an airhead prep that she doesn't even know that wearing a shirt that says "Punk" on it only makes you a poser.

by annaBanana3 June 17, 2005

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

george w. bush

1. Proof that at least a little more than half of America have brains.

2. The noble 43rd president of the United States who has stood up against the evil things that liberals in this country have put into action (abortion, homosexual marriage etc.). The president who is finishing the war in Iraq that Clinton (aka President Idiot) instigated back in his two sad terms in office.

If you think President Bush is stupid, you are no more than a brainless turd who can't think for themselves; exactly what the mainstream media has trained you to be. Anyone who graduated from Yale (even if he only got C's) cannot possibly be an idiot. Come on, let me see a show of hands, who here has even qualified to enter Yale, let alone graduate?!!! That's what I thought.

by annaBanana3 June 21, 2005

43πŸ‘ 220πŸ‘Ž


1. A word that can be spelled either way, 'blond' or 'blonde'.

2. Someone with very light hair.

3. Someone who is not necessarily dumb at all, though they get accused of being a "dumb blond" every time they make a mistake.

Some of the smartest people I know have blond hair.

by annaBanana3 June 20, 2005

266πŸ‘ 172πŸ‘Ž

blonde moment

Something that doesn't actually exist. Something made up by dumb people of another hair color so they could blame their own stupidity on their "blonde" alter-ego or whatever.

Melissa: I set the vacuum cleaner on fire! I must have been having a blonde moment!
Me: No, you must just be stupid.

by annaBanana3 June 20, 2005

34πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Christian Rock

A genre of music that is obviously labeled by uninformed people as being listened to only by "pansies." And it's no wonder why you think that if all you've ever heard of it is P.O.D., Kutless, Skillet, 12 Stones, Thousand Foot Krutch, Jeremy Camp and the like! Those bands are nothing but posers and wanna-bes! If you want to hear some REAL Christian rock, look up Underoath, Haste the Day, Norma Jean, Relient K, Switchfoot, Blindside, Dead Poetic, Zao and I could name many more. I'll admitt most Christian artists have done a lot in the way of giving Christian rock a bad name, but don't go labeling it all as a whole until you've actually heard all the genre has to offer!

It's sad that poser bands like Pillar and Thousand Foot Krutch have totally messed up Christian rock's image.

by annaBanana3 June 20, 2005

41πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž

christian music

The only genre of music that is defined by its lyrical content rather than its sound, which is sad because there are just as many different genres lumped under the title "christian music" as are in the mainstream. And by the way, it's awesome when a real Christian band has a mainstream hit or crosses over (as long as they remain a Christian band).

"I can't believe Underoath and Chris Tomlin are both grouped together under the same genre of music! What's up with that???"

by annaBanana3 June 1, 2005

80πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž