Source Code


A GPA that is only 0.1 points from 3.0, but is symbolically 100 points away.

Timmy: Mom... I got a 2.9 GPA.
Mom: Timmy, you need to start taking school more seriously. Here, I'll sit down with you and help.

Timmy: I got a 3.0 GPA mom!
Mom: Nice work! For this, I'm not going to take you with me on my errands this Sunday!

by anonym0u$e December 5, 2022

Richard Dawkins

The atheist god.

Christians worship God, and atheists worship Richard Dawkins.

by anonym0u$e August 28, 2023


1. Happy. A solid 99% of the uses of “euphoric” just refer to someone who's happy but who doesn't want to say that they're happy.

2. Atheist. Derogatory and not a self-description, generally used by non-atheists to describe antitheists/angry atheists/militant atheists/fundamentalist atheists/new atheists/whatever, however some moderate atheists may use this to insult more extreme atheists. Comes from a 2013 Reddit post by some guy named u/aalewis, who posted, “In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.” to r/atheism as a quote he thought was powerful. The horrible grammar and egomania led to this quote becoming a major meme.
3. Aligned with gender. Commonly used by transgender people as a short for “gender euphoria”, where something that makes them feel like the gender they identify as makes them “gender euphoric”, commonly shortened to just “euphoric”.

1. I just feel very euphoric when taking long walks in the woods.
2. I found another euphoric asshole on Quora, he was going to posts of people asking questions about religion and commenting that there was no god and people should stop believing in the “giant invisible sky Santa”.
3. I just bought a skirt, and I feel so euphoric when I wear it!

by anonym0u$e August 26, 2024

Ray William Johnson

A YouTube channel with over 15 million subscribers. Known mostly for his YouTube shorts and his band Your Favorite Martian. Unlike what the top definition says, he's still around in 2023.

Ray William Johnson attracted controversy for falsely striking channels in 2018.

by anonym0u$e September 10, 2023

Discord light mode

Something that people like to circlejerk about.
Specifically, how much they hate it.

Kawaiigirl#9387: Discord light mode is so shitty amirite?
Femboy#7262: Yes it is indeed shitty kind stranger

by anonym0u$e December 1, 2022

8👍 1👎

The Left

a group of people who want to take away your penis

Oh no! The left is going to steal my penis and put it in the post-modern neo-Marxist museum!

by anonym0u$e November 28, 2022

59👍 12👎

Subscribe to PewDiePie

"Subscribe to PewDiePie" is a phrase or clause (depending on how it is used) where one person is asking another to subscribe to the YouTube channel known as "PewDiePie".

As a clause:
Kevin: Subscribe to PewDiePie
Bob: I'm already subscribed
Kevin: Good.

As a phrase:
Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Zeus Wolfeschlegel­steinhausen­bergerdorff­welche­vor­altern­waren­gewissenhaft­schafers­wessen­schafe­waren­wohl­gepflege­und­sorgfaltigkeit­beschutzen­vor­angreifen­durch­ihr­raubgierig­feinde­welche­vor­altern­zwolfhundert­tausend­jahres­voran­die­erscheinen­von­der­erste­erdemensch­der­raumschiff­genacht­mit­tungstein­und­sieben­iridium­elektrisch­motors­gebrauch­licht­als­sein­ursprung­von­kraft­gestart­sein­lange­fahrt­hinzwischen­sternartig­raum­auf­der­suchen­nachbarschaft­der­stern­welche­gehabt­bewohnbar­planeten­kreise­drehen­sich­und­wohin­der­neue­rasse­von­verstandig­menschlichkeit­konnte­fortpflanzen­und­sich­erfreuen­an­lebenslanglich­freude­und­ruhe­mit­nicht­ein­furcht­vor­angreifen­vor­anderer­intelligent­geschopfs­von­hinzwischen­sternartig­raum Sr.: I am going to subscribe to PewDiePie later today.

by anonym0u$e August 16, 2023

7👍 1👎