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a vulnerable woman. a type to keep it all in, to be strong and unseen, yet the softest in many aspects-- the most shattered, the one you would always want to give comfort and every good thing in this world because guess what? she deserves it.

eyes are glistening, a pair for you to just want to stare at not minding the time. a woman with a breathtaking smile that will make your whole being be drowned into it. a drop dead gorgeous face, the one that would instantly make your head turn. a kind, selfless, and hardworking woman. she's a dream that you would always wish to be true; a star, that you would always want to reach. a woman, that deserves to be treated right and be loved unconditionally.

: who's the beautiful lady?
: her? she's Valerie.

by anonymouslymixed May 15, 2022

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