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a popular name for a dog

my dog is called fluffy

by antilife October 17, 2009

6👍 23👎

white whites

A group of people who try to be "social" and considered "cool" by their other white friends
White white are the creation of the pathetic modern music industry and are generally the product of rich families. White whites also tend to be created in over sea countries in a place with lots of people who are not "white" thus giving them a sense of purerity against other race and making them mentally "white white"

isn't Paris Hilton the best example of a white whites?

by antilife October 17, 2009

16👍 189👎

life unworthy of life

life unworthy of life
one of the nazi ideologies which involves in the idea which some life are not worthy of having a life

Nazi one: Heard about the jews?
Nazi two: You mean the people who have life unworthy of life?

by antilife October 17, 2009

11👍 3👎