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meaning either:

a) a discarded cigarette end.


b) a small piece of gristle from the end of a piece of meat.

usually used as an insult, especially when the latter meaning is in context. used by those of a more chav-like disposition, or when emulating or parodising a chav

"hey john, what are you doing down there?"
"lookin' for some scrat-ends."

"yer fuckin' scrat-end!"

by arto October 13, 2005

15👍 7👎


northern english slang term. a mardybum is someone who is sulking or pouting for attention, due to something small or insignificant happening that causes minimum inconvenience. usually used as something to aggrovate a child into being more happy, a simple form of reverse psychology. recently immortalised in the seminal classic "mardybum" by the artic monkeys.

mother: (to child) what do you want for dinner?

**child fails to respond**

mother: ooohhh, you mardybum!


now then, mardybum! - arctic monkeys

by arto October 16, 2005

146👍 29👎


meaning someone who is silly or stupid, usually for attention and in a random or sporadic way, involving nonsensical references and actions. usually violent or quick action involved, resulting in general amusement and hilarity of onlookers.

"hey look, archie's jumping off that cliff while holding a banana!"

"wow! he's mental!"

by arto October 12, 2005

516👍 240👎


insult meaning someone who is mentally retarded, derived from the word spastic usually directed at someone after they show a weird trait, do something against a widely accepted moral standard, show themselves to be unskilled or inferior at a particular skill or task, do something that would be associated with a mentally unstable person, or show their stupidity in an obvious way.

"that jonny is a spacca, he keeps twitching"

"stop beating that old lady, you spacca!"

"greg's a spacca, i beat his ass at pool so many times"

"stop pulling my hair you spacca!"

"if you don't know who david hasselhoff is, you're a spacca"

by arto October 12, 2005

97👍 22👎