Source Code


Universal Penis Suckers

Im gonna call up some UPS tonite for some fun!!

by artre July 10, 2006

26👍 37👎


the child of a wigger and a kangaroo

What was that wierd creature at the zoo?
Oh, that, it was a wiggeroo found in the hood of australia.

by artre June 20, 2006

30👍 12👎


the best bunker to be in for paintball
it has a long and short bunker with a tombstone shaped bunker at the end of it
get about three of these lined up and you have a snake

_ _ _
______{_} ______{_} ______{_}

alex fraige can really dominate the other players when hes shooting from the snake

by artre June 23, 2006

21👍 163👎


a castrated bull and my last name

that bulls gonna have to say goodbye to sex once he becomes a stier

by artre July 14, 2006

13👍 11👎


it is what you get when you cross a nipple and a boob.

Those girls were having lesbian sex about a month ago, and now the sonogram said that their child would have one huge bipple in the middle of their chest.

by artre March 21, 2006

14👍 28👎


the best damn pro paintball team in the world

Dynasty is unstoppable; they just beat xsv, ironmen, and naughty dawgs.

by artre May 7, 2006

51👍 72👎


mispelling of lesbian

i spell lesbien L-E-S-B-I-E-N
well your wrong, its L-E-S-B-I-A-N

by artre June 29, 2006

74👍 37👎