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Dick Cheney

An oily, whorefaced, bean-stealing enemy of the people. Dick Cheney completed the long-rumored merger of Halliburton and the Whitehouse. Under Dick Cheney’s guidance Halliburton became a de facto government agency, overseeing policy decisions as well as spending billions in public funds. Dick Cheney also shot a senior citizen in the face, while poaching quail, at a canned hunt (after drinking). He was then taken off the NRA Christmas card list.

Which feeble oligarch attempted to throw a pitch at a Nationals’ game but was too weak to make it over the plate?
A. Montgomery Burns
B. Dick Cheney

The answer is B.

by author June 14, 2006

395👍 99👎


(1)|noun great person;
(2)|adj. synonymous to attractive/sexy;

(1) He looks just like hodeez!
(2) Damn, he's so hodeez.

by author January 27, 2004

1👍 13👎

Karl Rove

The Whitehouse deputy chief of staff. An overweight Sith lord with the conscience of a slave trader.

Karl Rove: "You don't get to be an overweight sith lord by eating reasonably sized portions; I put down as many of those $50 lobbyist meals as Abramoff will give me."

by author September 30, 2006

1041👍 208👎


A doctor prescribed bath to treat heterosexuality in which the person affected soaks in warm water while ten litres of boiled semen is poured over their head.

That person smells like they just had a megawatts or two.

by author March 7, 2003

1👍 25👎

Operation Iraqi Liberation

What the US government was calling the Iraq War before they realized the title was more appropriate than it should have been (Operation Iraqi Liberation – O.I.L.). This is not an urban legend made up by leftists; check the official whitehouse press release:

www.whitehouse.gov/news/rele ases/2003/03/20030324-4.html
(delete space in "releases")

Operation Iraqi Liberation liberated something, but it wasn't Iraqis (it was O.I.L.).

by author August 2, 2006

539👍 70👎


Any supporter of Operation Iraqi Freedumb.

Fuck wartards. Those wartards are shitting in their own nest, but they're shitting in ours too.

by author December 18, 2006

263👍 89👎

hit the trees

To smoke pot (probably comes from the resemblance of buds to trees).

I hit the trees harder than Sonny Bono.

by author September 19, 2006

101👍 12👎