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A saint for people who don't want to spend $20 on a cd that they will listen to only one time. Get Kazaa-Lite. Its alot better than regular Kazaa!

Man I wish I could listen to this one song. Maybe is should use kazaa to download it. I'll probably buy the Cd anyway. Oh shit it's the recording company at my front door.

by awex January 6, 2004

31πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


A band that has great musical talent and is anything but a gay MTV metal band.

Buy their CD's. They are one of the few good new bands to come out.

by awex January 6, 2004

43πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž


1)Happy Time
2)Happy Time
3)Happy Time
4)Ha....Whoa Shit

1)Dude we are having one hell of a 4:20
2)Smoking Pot is my 4:20
3)Last night we had such a 4:20
4)Man this is one cool 4:20....Whoa Shit

by awex January 6, 2004

18πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


A scapegoat for people to blame metal bands like Marilyn Manson and Rammstein for our problems with violence. It also blamed neo-nazism, action movies like the Matrix, great TV shows like South Park , and those very fun violent video games. I mean it is a sad story that there were all of those casualties, but it doesn't hide the fact that preps and jocks are the ones who just pick on the ones who are different from them, and in time it shows that mean people are the true reason. I listen to sick music all the time, I watch South Park every night, I've seen some real bloody action movies in my time, and played Grand Theft Auto and Max Payne and it's never promoted me to kill. The only thing that sets students off are greedy principles that try to control your every movement, students that make everyone feel bad, and WAL-MART. (damn walmart and all of their secret ploys to take over your mind.)

The senators and governers can do all they want like taking away music, tv shows, games, and movies, but that isn't going to solve anything. So pull your head out of your asses and finally relize that people are the things that piss people off! Everyone should also watch Bowling For Columbine, Micheal Moore is a genius!

by awex January 6, 2004

908πŸ‘ 264πŸ‘Ž


1) A company that stips you of your freedom then ass rapes you.
2) Makes you pay 85 bux a month to get the good channels.
3) A reason to go with TiVo, Direct TV, Sattelite or anything else that isn't comcast.
4) A company built on lies.
5) A company that has no customer services

1) Man I feel violated since I went with comcast
2) Comcast said it was my fault for everything that went wrong with the cable, even though they were the ones who set it up.
3) Comcast Internet is good but I would go with qwest DSL just so I can escape them.

by awex January 6, 2004

865πŸ‘ 165πŸ‘Ž

powerman 5000

For short PM5K, is one of the greatest bands ever if not the greatest, and has a very recognizable sound. Too bad they broke up on Halloween 2003. :(

If you like PM5K you should also check out the lead singer's (Spyder 1's) older brother Rob Zombie!

by awex January 6, 2004

35πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Something we apparently don't have enough of so we must go to war!

By 2050 it will all be depleted. Or with George Bush it could be next year!

by awex January 6, 2004

533πŸ‘ 344πŸ‘Ž