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The inner-netting of swimwear

"I think I just logged on to my internet" -Carl from the Simpsons after being scared

by aybab2 June 15, 2003

15👍 11👎


What you pay when you defish with debate in an environmentally protected lake.

What a horrible pun, using defish as if to say "the fish" The collection of groans can be heard across the planet.

by aybab2 September 13, 2003

15👍 25👎

fool's errand

The awesomest puzzle game ever made. I used to have it on my old black-and-white mac. You solve various puzzles based upon the Tarot cards. See fools-errand.com for more details. You will not be disappointed, but you will lose a lot of sleep, as it's addictive.

The sequel to The Fool's Errand, A Fool and His Money, is coming out this April, seventeen years since the original. I hope the wait was worth it.

by aybab2 October 9, 2003

15👍 25👎


Something to call people whose names rhyme with darsh, when you can't think of anything else. Usually said as if it is an insult, but just sounds stupid.

I'll beat you in the ski race, Stan Darsh.

by aybab2 June 19, 2003

88👍 340👎


A file-sharing program in which you upload what you have to other users while simultaneously downloading from them. The more people downloading that movie, the faster it goes.

I downloaded The Hulk from Bittorrent a week before it was out in the theaters. Somehow, this is not illegal, and no one is at fault. Serves the theaters right for raising ticket prices to $8.

by aybab2 June 13, 2003

589👍 153👎


One who wants Strong Bad to write a song about him, as in the case of fhqwhgads . Feels that Strong Bad should fulfill every freakin' whim of those who email him.

I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, write a song about Sibbie

by aybab2 June 10, 2003

9👍 5👎


The 1st person singular conjugation of the Spanish word meaning "want" or "love." Popularized by the now defunct Taco Bell dog. Although the catchphrase used to be considered "cool," now speaking these magic words will result in vigorous beatings provided by those around you.

Yo quiero Taco Bell!! (said as if a question, though its a statement)

by aybab2 September 6, 2003

28👍 25👎