Source Code

get fucked

An exclamation. Said after discovery of, or to provide emphasis on, a stressor that is an extraordinarily negative.

Can also be said by jeering peers at a comment or situation.

Can be used interchangeably with, "FYL," or "FML", respectively.

John: Yeah. Legit. I have 3 exams tomorrow, it's 3AM. The beat-down begins at 8AM.
Smith: Get fucked!

John: I just made a bet with a friend that the Jets team would win, and they lost. I wagered my college tuition. Now I can't go to school.
Smith: Really?
John: Yeah, get fucked. Can my life be worse?

by azntiger954 December 21, 2010

38👍 48👎


Portmanteau of "Typo" and "Misunderstanding"

Used to describe a typo that spiraled into a misunderstanding between two or more people.

Guy: Yeah, so what I want written down is, "There are calibration points"

Girl: Oh.... okay. Could you please describe what the calibration points are? Maybe we can use something along the lines of, "There are adjustment points for fine tuning?"

Guy: We do NOT calibrate PRINTERS. We do NOT calibrate RULERS. We do NOT calibrate COMPUTERS. We do NOT calibrate PRESSES.

Girl: Yeah... I understand that, i'm pretty sure we have stickers on the presses that say "calibration not required". But you know what, you've been doing this longer than I have, so i'll just use that as-is: "There are calibration points"

Guy: I'm so sorry! It all makes sense now, what I meant was: "there are NO calibration points" It was all just a typostanding.

by azntiger954 October 13, 2016


1a.)(verb) When someone works with the celerity and efficiency of THE joomy of PC Fort Lauderdale.

2.) (Noun) A joomy works very hard in school, and is often very good with their gender counter-parts. Joomy's are often used to describe an azn whom watches anime secretly behind everyone else's back. A joomy is typically very respected in her grade. Everybody loves a joomy but a joomy doesn't love everybody.

Note: Joomy is also the sound of onomatopoeic sound of bouncing boobs.

1.) Stop joomying, you're working too hard.

2.)Jonathan: Wow, she's really cool. I wish I could be like her, with those straight A's and yet still have that aura of coolness; avoids the nerdiness. I respect her a lot for that.

Jason: She's a joomy.

Jonathan: really?

Jason: Yeah. She secretly watches anime. She just doesn't tell anyone.

by azntiger954 September 3, 2008

8👍 4👎