Source Code

batty wash

Semen, cum, jizz.

A slang term, originating from the Jamiacan/West Indian slang for a gay man "batty boy," perhaps originating with the misbelief that homosexuals often wash each other in their own semen.

Also spelt: "botti wash" or "bati wash"

"What's that white stain on your pants Dan? It looks like you didn't clean up your batty wash."

"I'm going to spray you with my batty wash, Seana!"

"Fuck you Dhruvin, I know you just masturbated, you better clean that batty wash off of your hands before you touch me"

by balbir December 7, 2011

53πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

bump bump

An onomatopoetic phrase stated out loud when one has a boner.

Typically, the second 'bump' is stated with higher inflection, and the volume of the phrase is representative on how raging the boner is.

The phrase can also be used in general situations of extreme happiness.

After seeing a tall blonde girl with huge tits walk past you while sitting on the park bench with a couple of buddies: "bump bump"

"Hey bro, I just saw that hot ging at that party, and I totally bump bumped."

"Tiger Woods just won the tournament, our douchebag varsity golf roommate Patrick probably just bump bumped."

by balbir December 7, 2011

62πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Stands for "suck my pussy," derived from one of Sophitia's special grab move in Soul Calibur III, where she takes her opponent's head, puts it between her legs and jumps on the ground jamming her crotch in their face at high velocity. First stated by an intense brown gamer when he was losing in frustration to a stupid white guy, where he rejoiced "suck my pussy" when he won.

Now, SMP is used as the short form, synonymous to Feel It.

Want to face me in Soul Calibur? Get ready to Suck My Pussy!

While I was wrestling Michael, I SMPed that bitch.

by balbir December 16, 2009

265πŸ‘ 166πŸ‘Ž

not boost

synonymous to not cool. can be used to describe a person or an event.

"that girl stole my chicken.. not boost"
"i fell down that hill, not boost"

by balbir September 21, 2007

8πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

boost on probation

when somebody is seemingly boost, or cool, but they still have to prove their worth.

Dude, that guy seems alright, but he's still kinda shifty. He's like boost on probation"

by balbir September 21, 2007

11πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A term derived from the Shakespearean play used to describe somebody in a powerful situation expected to deliver a great performance such as a play or a presentation. It is typically used as motivation.

Often preceded by "Get 'em."

person A) "It's my turn to present."
person B) "Get 'em MacBeth!"

person A) "Wish me luck."
person B) "You can do it man, get 'em MacBeth!"

by balbir January 22, 2008

131πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


liquid courage;

An initialism often used as a noun to describe someone who needs liquid courage to have any wheels, or to make move on any girl.

"He's obviously into Rebecca, we need to help his wheels, so let's order some shots for LC."

"Of course your date went sour, you should have ordered some wine, you're such an LC."

"Louis has some pretty awesome stories about having sex with girls but he's shit at talking to girls in real life, we all know he's a classic case of LC."

by balbir December 7, 2011

85πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž