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Nash Grier

Nash Grier is a teenage Vine star who is worshipped by 12 year old girls for his piercing blue eyes. To much surprise, Grier's real name is Hamilton. If you don't believe me, look it up! Anyways, Grier is a member of the group they call the 'Magcon Boys'. He goes on tour with a few other Viners and they perform their boring 'act' in front of a crowd of screaming fans. Grier is well known for a video he made with his friends JC and Cameron in which they tell viewers what they look for in girls. Grier says he likes a girl who is confident and natural, but then he rants about how his girl should be talented, entertain him, have brown hair, shave her arms, etc. Grier is very serious about hair. He is also a homophobic jerk. He's tweeted about his dislike for gay rights and he made a Vine saying that AIDS only happens to gays then ending the video yelling, "FAG!" This guy is an ignorant moron who makes tons of money by doing stupid sh*t all day. Sorry.

"OMG I love Nash Grier so much! His eyes are so blue and beautiful! He's just perfect!"

"Shut up!"

by bananabuddy August 6, 2014

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