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A person that is extremely caring and will help you out whenever you need assistance, but if they get pissed of then its the end of the world.

"Yo you remember Carl from 7th grade?"
"Yeah, he was such a Jesus"

by beastmode8234 April 10, 2022


An very hot woman with a very beautiful singing voice.

"Bro you see that chick over there singing?"
"Yeah bro she's such a Brinda"

by beastmode8234 April 10, 2022

5👍 1👎

Ball Cucking

When someone (most likely your opponent) dies right before your auto-combo finishes so you can't get a ball to summon Shenron.

You: Fuckin' hell, seems like this is a classic case of Ball Cucking
Opponent: Ha fuck you SSJ4 Gogeta using bitch.

by beastmode8234 January 4, 2023


The act of seeing a goat with your eyes in your body.

Person 1: goatse
Person 2: yeah i see that goat too

by beastmode8234 September 7, 2022