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Panera bread

A cozy cafe type resturaunt across from the Hilcrest shopping centre in Richmondhill that makes any excuse to give you some of their signiture bread with your meal.

son: what did you order mom?

mom: i ordered the ham and swiss sandwich with a side salad but instead of the salad they gave me bread.

waiter: here's your check ma'am

waiter says nervously and slips a loaf of bread under check

mom: what's this?

waiter: nothing!

waiter runs away

son: well, that's what you get when you come to Panera bread.

by betting--on--alice March 20, 2009

105👍 36👎

Bella Swan

Verb: An act of clumsiness or stupidity.

I pulled a Bella Swan in Wal-Mart today, someones going to be doing their job

by betting--on--alice April 22, 2009

219👍 48👎

Promanade mall

A small shopping centre in the thornhill area where most asians think they know all about when they can't even pronounce it corectally.

asian kid: OH MY GOSH! wanna go to promaranian mall they just opened artitzia!

white kid: it's Promanade mall you loser and aritzia you probably can't even afford anything there.

by betting--on--alice March 20, 2009

24👍 7👎

Dairy Queen

A take-out food chain that has awesome frozen treats and desserts but stay away from the brazier unless you want non-stop diarrhea

Mark: Hey man wanna go to Dairy Queen for a burger or something?

Bob: Ughh not after what happened last time, that was tramatizing...*twitch*

by betting--on--alice April 23, 2009

91👍 36👎