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chicken passer

On a multi-lane highway, someone who wants to drive really fast, but is scared of the fast (inside) lane. So instead they pass you on the right, using the slow lane.

"Watch out honey, there's a chicken passer coming up on your right."

by bgnsg July 31, 2009


What we should call the first decade of the 2000's.
Oh-oh implies that a lot of stuff went really strangely, and surprisingly wrong, exactly what has happened.
- Dubya, climate change, terrorism, swine-flu, recession --> all pretty much an oh-oh decade.

"I haven't felt financially stable since the oh-ohs."
"Back in the oh-ohs, weird shit was happening every few months"
"The recession started in the late oh-ohs"

by bgnsg July 31, 2009

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