Source Code

Thompson Time

Thompson Time is anytime you get into trouble at school or at work for an unreasonable thing.

“Tony told me a lewd joke. He needs Thompson Time.”

by big-chungus99 March 26, 2019

Chimping Out

A wild, frenzied state of mind and emotion aroused by intense anger, excitement, or surprise that can be compared to the primitive behavior of an ape-like creature

Sam was chimping out when a shit-bag on the road rear ended his brand new Honda Accord.

by big-chungus99 October 18, 2021

72👍 34👎


Stalin’s version of Minecraft. Ourcraft is available on PC (Public Computer) as well as the Workbox 1 and Bearstation 4.

Did you just say Minecraft? To the gulag! You capitalist scum! It is referred to as Ourcraft!

by big-chungus99 July 1, 2019

20👍 1👎