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It's sir

The opposite of "it's ma'am". A gloriously cringe-worthy exclamation from an unhinged girl who attended Jeff Younger's speech at UNT Denton. This 'sir' also claimed her female friend was 'more of a man' than Younger, generating mocking laughter from Younger.


by bigboobies007 March 3, 2023

1๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Things only Americans think are debatable

A cancerous Facebook group, riddled with lefties, claiming to be neither left nor right wing. That's a blatant lie, obviously. Members there take issue with how fucked up America is, posting mainly about the lack of gun control and inaccessible healthcare.
Anyone with an opposing viewpoint is bullied, called any kind of existing/non-existent ...-phobe, muted and/or removed.
'Things only Americans think are debatable' is used to express disdain at American ('Seppo') actions.

Alyssa: I've just left this awful group called 'Things only Americans think are debatable'.
John: Oh yeah, I was kicked out of that last February because I questioned the leftist claim of there being 843 genders.
Alyssa: Omg how terrible, bet you were called a transphobe and white supremacist.

by bigboobies007 August 11, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mairรƒยฉad is a very loud, hearty girl with lots of personality and warmth for everyone. She excels academically and has a fond interest in the arts and humanities. Initially, she comes across as quite reserved and lost, but as soon as she opens her gob, you know that first impressions don't last!

'Did you see that Mairรƒยฉad girl at Gwyenth's party?'
'Yeah she was hilarious. Didn't expect her to be so funny'

by bigboobies007 November 17, 2019

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The true definition of a coon is a black person who hates himself for being black (see the Doctor Phil black girl who thinks she's white; that's the closest you'll get to it). Regardless, it's an extremely racist insult that's used against black people who:
- don't follow BLM
- have their own beliefs (Terry Crews, Candace Owens etc.)
- aren't stereotypically black
- don't vote democrat
Basically, it's a slur weaponised against black people who don't follow the regressive monolith that is the democrat party.

Shaniqua|BLM|She/Her: Candace Owens is such a coon ew omg she doesn't think black lives matter! She's just a mouthpiece for white fascists!!
Rational, educated person: So just because she doesn't subscribe to a group of Marxists and its regressive ideology, and she has her own opinions and is not a pawn for the democrats, she's a 'coon'? Sounds pretty fucking racist to me, as you're implying black people are too stupid to come to their own conclusions

by bigboobies007 February 26, 2021

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Fat Studies

Yet another interdisciplinary field that has no relevance to the real world. Fat Studies explores fat scholars, fat people, fat problems, and leaves you with a fat debt at the end of it. It would literally disappear into thin air (no pun intended) if there were no fat people.

Neon green-haired girl with septum piercing: Hi theydies and gentlethems, I am Clarxssa. I go by ze/zim pronouns and I major in fat studies at the University of Kentucky.

by bigboobies007 December 19, 2020

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Ok boomer

'Ok boomer' - a phrase referring to the Baby Boomer generation, born between 1946 and 1964, but in general to anyone who looks older than 30 and has 'regressive' views. The phrase 'ok boomer' is used mostly by leftists when their viewpoint is challenged. Just like any joke the left makes, it has become unfunny to the point that it cannot be used ironically.

Leftist cuck: 'I feel so bad for Iran, I am fully regretful for the death of Qassem Soleimani, killed by evil cis het white men!'
Someone with a brain: 'You realise he was a terrorist, against basic human rights for LGBTQEJGKNRSGP+ people?'
Leftist cuck: 'Ok boomer'

by bigboobies007 January 8, 2020

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Virtue Signalling

A scheming, disingenuous act of kindness and selflessness to show ones solidarity with a cause, such as volunteering for CAMHS, all to boost ones image and reputation, rather than to help the cause. It is commonly weaponised by politicians and used in debates to appease the majority.
Synonyms: I have no life, I'm a cuck, please give me attention, stop mansplaining
Antonyms: I'm smart, I'm sexy, I'm not a 28 year old living in his mother's basement, I've got a nice schlong

Examples of virtue signalling:
- Jeremy Corbyn introducing his pronouns during a speech on Pink News
- Simon Cowell allowing a mediocre comedian to progress to the finals of Britain's Got Talent because he was disabled
- 18 year old college students stating their obvious gender pronouns in their Instagram/Twitter bios
- Wokeness - wokeness is virtue signalling, and virtue signalling is wokeness
- Michelle Williams' irrelevant and unnecessary speech at the Golden Globe Awards
- Refuting the scientific reality of biological sex

by bigboobies007 January 8, 2020

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