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lemme get

v. Preferred urban method of requesting something.

1. "Lemme get a McRib, large fries, and, uh ruh, you got any grape soda?"
2. "Lemme get a Newport. Make it two."
3. " 'Meget one em Kools."

by bizook March 10, 2004

16👍 5👎


Modifies any other verb, giving it an urban twist.

(Actual dialogue)
"I thought that clubhouse burned down a few years ago."
"Naww, man, dey been refixed dat!"

by bizook May 18, 2004

38👍 35👎

right on

(archaic) Expresses agreement or solidarity with another.

1st Panther: "My dashiki and enormous afro are devices which assist me in mau-mauing whitey."
2nd Panther: "Right on, brother!"

by bizook March 21, 2003

287👍 129👎

a flock of seagulls

>> New_Wave, on Apr 24, 2005 wrote:
>> If you call a flock of seagulls
>> a one hit wonder...FUCK YOU!

"Flock Of Seagulls: a one-hit-wonder."

by bizook May 1, 2005

32👍 66👎


Correct spelling is: lagniappe

by bizook March 24, 2003

14👍 3👎

up in

Usage: 1. up in here
2. up in this <noun>

Non-urban: "Gosh, I wish the landlord would fix the heat, it's freezing in this apartment."
(2) Urban: "Got-dayum!! Can't we get some hizzle up in this motherfucker?!?"

by bizook March 22, 2003

39👍 13👎