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n. to be in a vertical orientation 180 degrees to normal, usu. as a result of an accident, i.e. to have ones cunt-up.

After 14 pints of lager, muller fell down the stairs and landed cunt-up, the stupid fuck-faced fool.

by blasterass February 24, 2005

8👍 5👎


Archaic term used to describe a white australian male with a preclusion or habit of consensual heterosexual sex with aboriginal women or gins.

Rob's fishing trips are always interupted by his "breaks" at the mission,the fucking gin-jockey slut.

by blasterass February 19, 2005

28👍 8👎


archaic form pertaining to white male australians with a preclusion or habit of sex with aboriginal women gins.

every time rob travels to Weipa he goes back to his old gin-jockey habits, the filthy fuckin slut.

by blasterass February 19, 2005

23👍 10👎