Source Code


1. (adj) Obnoxious and/or annoying in an especially effeminate way.
2. (noun) An especially effeminate obnoxious and/or annoying individual.

1. Cagney is fagney.
2. Get out of here, you little fagney.

by blizack November 27, 2002

4👍 6👎

bad business

1. Any sort of morally ambiguous activity. 2. Anything displeasant. 3. Criminal acts.

1. I think Bill got into some bad business with Wendy and her man last night.

2. That mole on her back is bad business.

3. Whatever those guys are up to in the parking lot, it's got to be bad business.

by blizack November 27, 2002

24👍 1👎


An extremely obese person.

Some sphere was complaining about the size of the seats on the plane.

by blizack November 27, 2002

6👍 7👎


yamfp =
you are my favorite person

person 1: you wanna smoke a bowl?
person 2: yamfp

by blizack January 13, 2005

4👍 4👎

Kung Fu Warrior

1. (noun) An indivdual whose dance moves consist primarily of kicks and punches. (Generally used to describe goths.)

Kung Fu Warrior over there almost kicked my head off during "Assimilate".

by blizack November 27, 2002

4👍 3👎


good going

Derived from the over use of the acronym good game.

I'ma go put my laundry in and then do some cold chillin. GG

by blizack June 28, 2004

7👍 23👎