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Daniel Dumile (July 13, 1971 - October 31st, 2020) is a rapper born in England, but raised in Long Island. Also known as just "DOOM", "Viktor Vaughn", or "King Geedorah". Known for intricate rhyming schemes and not ever showing his face, portraying himself as a supervillain based off of Doctor Doom. Formerly a member of rap group KMD until one of the members (his brother) was hit by a car. The band broke up, and 6 years later he started to rap again with a mask and under the name "MF DOOM".


Person 1: Back when the mask was brand spanking new, before it got rusted from drinking all the brew
Person 2: Bro what are you talking about?
Person 1: He's this guy named MF DOOM, it's a line from his song "Sofa King". It's pretty good.

by blondedocean January 31, 2021

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