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the #1 kkingkkang and wonjin’s gf, often seen on twitter dot com begging for a Purplebeck come back

ayden posted, here comes vityejun🙄

by blushcix August 1, 2021


fizz's bf, the love of bee's life

fizz cried over woong today 😿

by blushcix October 13, 2020


the most famous and world renowned toogether and luvity, and has over 2 million followers on twitter. their fans refer to themselves as "fizzers" and have their love of choi jisu and ham wonjin in common.

oh no hyeop posted i dont wanna see gaylittlejisu on the tl

by blushcix March 7, 2021


a little gay boy from free

dang kisumi really simps for asahi

by blushcix October 16, 2020

1👍 2👎

aura core

aura core is something that is so similar to mannerisms or style of aura from hit sitcom “Long Ass Spout”

“taking my silly pills” “omg that’s so aura core”
“in my aura core era can we take a piss break?”

by blushcix December 28, 2022