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Definition 1. A popular television show in which DNA results are done in "public for the world to see."

Definition 2. As a name "Maury" means to attack or denounce or to announce negativity for the public world to see. For one to pull a Maury means to manipulate or deceive usually through charm to obtain information to use against the enemy at hand.

Definition 3. To be sneaky and beguile then destroy; the devils serpent.

Mau= Attack, Revenge, Spite, Spread

Ry =Rivalry, Blight

Man bra bra I am pissed dude. They took what I wanted

"You gunna get revenge?"

Yes sir i shall do a Maury

"Man the whole world gets to see you get payback"

Best part is they don't even know it is me

by bobodllol December 23, 2013

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