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a stupid ugly middle parted whore that knows nothing about anything he thinks he is the shit but really he is a nerd at school but when he is out he is a stupid bitch. He thinks he is so pretty when really he is just this emo ass bitch. his middle parted hair just hide his acne on his fat ass forehead, his fore head is the side of a field..... 1000 fields he Is not smart he is not pretty he is completely the opposite. he bad don't date a Quentin

a stupid ugly middle parted whore that knows nothing about anything he thinks he is the shit but really he is a nerd at school but when he is out he is a stupid bitch. He thinks he is so pretty when really he is just this emo ass bitch. his middle parted hair just hide his acne on his fat ass forehead, his fore head is the side of a field..... 1000 fields he Is not smart he is not pretty he is completely the opposite. he bad don't date a Quentin

by boltyboi November 12, 2021