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Sakura is a loving, smart, beautiful person. She makes friends really easily and is loved by everyone. All the guys have the hots for her and shes a bit of a hoe. She always chooses the guys that break her heart and hurt her. She has an amazing body but is very insecure about it and hides it away alot. She needs to listen to her best friend more. She has the most gorgeous smile and the best laugh. When Sakura's around she lights up the room. Shes the sweetest person but can have a bit of a temper when she wants to. Shes good at sports and is energetic. Shes always cold and needs hugs to keep her happy. Sakura has got a not so happy life and it's very complicated at home but she doesn't let it show. She adores animals, especially dogs, and would make a very good mum. Shes shy but once you get to know her she comes out of her shell and becomes this vibrant, sassy girl. She loves vibing and has a great taste in music. Sakura is an absolutely amazing person and she deserves the world. If you have a friend with the name Sakura keep her close because you'll never find anyone quite as good as her.

guy; "whos that hot chick over there? Shes real sweet"
girl; "thats my bestfriend, Sakura"
guy; "chuck me her snap real quick i wanna get to know her"
girl; "aight but if you hurt her you're dead"

(not after the Sakura in Naruto)

by boo_mamabear September 1, 2020

52👍 13👎