Source Code

Upper Decker

The act of taking a dump in the tank of a toilet.
Step 1: Quietly sneak into the bathroom unseen
Step 2: Carefully remove the top of the tank. Note the porcelain tank top is very delicate and will shatter if dropped

Step 3: Climb on the toilet, drop pants and sit on the tank. Imagine you are a bird sat uptop your nest, sit very softly or else the tank may break and the operation will be compromised

Step 4: Take a monster shit. I'm talkin like a goddamn mudslide out your asshole

Step 5: Whipe and throw the tp in the tank too for good measure and put the top back on

Step 6: Return to the party and act like nothing ever happened, if you leave right away you will draw suspicion to yourself
Step 7: Enjoy the host's reaction when they see that Mount Vesuvius just exploded in their toilet tank

Friend: Yo did you hear, Julia is having a party this Saturday
Me: I dislike her very much, I'm gonna drop an Upper Decker at that party

by bowelsmovin June 25, 2017

44👍 4👎