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Larisa is the funniest girl you'll ever meet. She loves being sarcastic and makes the funniest yet creepy and dumb jokes. She is always fun to be around and you miss her when she's not around.
She loves animals and loves to party. She has a strong connection to the ocean.

She's also weird (next level weird) but she doesn't make you uncomfortable, youll rather laugh histerically at her creepy weird kinky jokes. She is always herself no matter who she's with and she is a very likable person. She is the best person to have any conversation with and she can make anything sound funny !
She is like the human version of the urban dictionary.

Adri: "Larisa's cool. I think she's my future best friend"
Cara: "She is such a funny person lmaoooo. I always have those laugh attacks when she's around!"
Adri: "I love the way she says 'retarted'"
Cara: "Agree. The way she says it is so satisfying!"

by brogotsomecheese April 11, 2020

41👍 4👎


To fucking swear to something. You can never break this promise! If you do, you have betrayed the universe and you'll die. No take backs.

A fuckswear is like a pinky promise, but with your middle finger. Both people must kiss the enclinged hands before the hands part. The kiss represents your respect and trust for the other person.

"Please tell me!"
"Fuckswear it stays between us? Remember, you're swearing on your life?"
"I fucking fuckswear."
"Okay, i'll spill..."

by brogotsomecheese April 11, 2020