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leaker n. Aus. A sexually alluring female, that is to say, one who "has holes that need to be plugged up".

O. was a leaker and would fuck anything that would help her into a job. She was a leaker who had a penchant for back door love.

by bromp March 14, 2010

36πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

stealth bummer

a homosexual male who disguises his sexulaity in order to get ahead

-"Look at our old mate behind the bar with his bumchum. This was a great pub, no look at it - cocktails, no real ale - and full of style-conscious genlemen with nice fingernails"

-"yeah, our old mate was always a stealth bummer. He'd come and join us with his frustrated wife and join us, but he was just casing the joint."

-"yeah, taken out by a stealth bummer!"

by bromp January 21, 2009

57πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Stealth bummer

A man who has successfully concealed his sexuality to take advantage of his heterosexual friends.

Bert - "The pub went queer under the new owner, our lawyer friend. No more real beer, no more blazing fire. Now it's strictly for "style conscious gentlemen" only.

Bill - "Yeah we're done for now - nowhere left to go in the village. Sad. And we thought Mike was one of us. He was just casing the joint. Look at it now - all mirrors and pictures of fucking male pop stars and stuff and shitty music."

Bert - "Makes you sick. Our last real watering hole taken out by a stealth bummer!"

by bromp November 18, 2007


Subsidiarity: the concession by which the sovereign parliaments of member-countries of the EU are required to pass into law those rules, regulations etc which have already been legislated in Brussels.

Eurocrat dictator in Brussels - " the EU imperialist project is in grave danger, Senor Barosso. The Irish might vote No to the Lisbon Treaty!"

Barosso - "Don't worry Pierre, I got da boys down da Vatican hittin''em up on prime time TV with a dose of good ol' fashioned subsidiarity til dey give us a Yes."

by bromp May 30, 2008

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


is defined in Magna Farta as "the state of being in dire, immediate need of a shit. From the fact that a metal lid placed over one's clackervalve in such circumstances would rattle urgently, and possibly emit a high-pitched whistle to boot."

At the G20 summit, the newsreader said that the Police had been "kettling" which accurately reflects the agitated state of the officers in the protest, so I am not surprised they were clubbing people to death left right and centre.

by bromp July 24, 2009

127πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


Slimey politicians of no substance or conviction who want to appeal to everyone left/right/centre/multi-culti. These set out their agenda as The Third Way, which means they want everyone of all poiltical shades to see them as their perfect leader, when in fact, like Tony Blair, they have nothing more to offer than their hunger for power. Bill Clinton was another but less obvious example of the followers of the Turd Way.

Steve "well what do think of this Barack Obama then?"

Tony "don't know, might be just be another turdwayman".

by bromp May 16, 2008

95πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

uri geller smeller

A Uri Geller Smeller is named after the man who claimed he could bend spoons and stop clocks just by looking at them, and is the result of a violent incident of "sitting on a mortar" after a bad curry, when the foul miasma emanates from the WC and works its way around the house bending spoons and stopping clocks as it goes.

Postman: "I shouldn't go to number 10 Downing Street just yet without a gas mask, Officer. There's been a Uri Geller Smeller incident! Give it 20 minutes if I were you."

by bromp March 19, 2008

258πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž