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Basically a Wehraboo, except for Imperial Japan. The name is derived from Japanese Prime Minister and convicted war criminal Hideki Tojo

Common characteristics of Tojoboos include:
1. Justifying or even outright denying Japanese imperialism or war crimes, such as the Rape of Nanking.
2. If any mention of Japanese war crimes is brought up in their presence, they will either justify them, say that other countries also committed war crimes, or attack the other person.
3. Whine about how the Tokyo Trials were supposedly unfair and how convicted Japanese war criminals were actually innocent.
4. They will tend to use the "history is written by the victors" argument.
5. They are vocally anti-Korean, and also anti-Chinese to a lesser extent.
6. They will get defensive and angry when presented with any evidence they disagree with.

Tojoboos are commonly found in the YouTube comments of videos about World War II, Imperial Japan, or Japanese war crimes/war criminals.

Tojoboos may or may not be ethnically Japanese. They are also not to be confused with weeaboos, but it is possible for someone to be both.

Person 1: The Rape of Nanking never happened; it's all Chinese lies! All of the photo evidence is fake!

Person 2: The photographs were actually real, and there are numerous firsthand accounts of the event.

Person 1: Koreans chose to annex themselves to Japan! They did it peacefully at their own will, and most of them were pro-Japan! In fact, they benefited greatly from imperialism, so their hatred against Japan is completely unjustified!

Person 2: Sweet Jesus, you are a Tojoboo!

by bunnythebirb1 April 12, 2021

60👍 4👎

Lowcountry Montessori

Lowcountry Montessori is literally hell on earth. It is the worst school ever because you literally don’t learn anything. 90% of the people there are weird and none of the teachers are even real teachers. They’re so pathetic, they can’t even afford their own school bus or playground.

Lowcountry Montessori is so terrible. I hated that place so much, I’m so glad I don’t go there anymore. When that place shuts down, it will not be missed.

by bunnythebirb1 February 1, 2019

3👍 1👎


see: cancer

Tiktok is so cringey it makes me want to die

by bunnythebirb1 January 21, 2019

31👍 5👎