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A car with a huge power and race potential that is ruined by 90% of it's drivers thinking their v6 model is a Ferrari. Also a small percentage of drivers who think they are immune to rice, and proceed to put "GT" and "COBRA" emblems on their v6 mustangs.

Mustang Ricer: Holy shit look at that ricer!!

Knowledgable Mustang Driver: Um, just because you put the cobra emblem on your car doesn't mean your car can touch a stock Evo...

by burntheblobs August 10, 2006

1263👍 441👎


Abbreviation for "pussy stretcher". One who's manhood is large enough to permanently stretch out a woman's vagina.

Guy 1: Dude, my friend Andre hell of stretched out her pussy.
Guy 2: Nice. What a PS.

by burntheblobs August 10, 2006

139👍 164👎