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sex war

The nonviolent, respectful, tolerant different opinions about the various different sexual preferences,

The sex war is the nonviolent and covert war between individuals who have different sexual preferences, and it is slowly intensifying.

by but for October 20, 2022

disguised agenda writings

A magazine, newspaper, or newsletter article that overtly is about one topic, but analysis reveals is covertly about a different topic mentioned tangentially, but persistently to get the readers to feel, think, and act in specific ways.

disguised agenda writings
Leslie P.N. Cheatin Standin, founder of the Live Perfectly Here Now facebook group is suing her mobile device's manufacturer in Harmonious Rhythmic Gluteal Impact Ejaculation Court to get that court to order his Internet Service Provider and his mobile device's manufacturer to stop regularly interfering with and sabotaging some of the actions she attempts to execute on her mobile device.

In the preceding 4-years, she has logged in her journal almost every instance of that type of interference. Last night, for ample ex-PAM-ple, she made an audio-recording on her mobile device and playing it back heard how in some parts the audio was perfect, but in other parts was less audible or inaudible. Differences which she believes were activated remotely.

In court, the accused said it was a practical joke and pleaded NOLO CONTENDERE to the charge of REMOTELY INTERFERING WITH A CUSTOMER'S ELECTRONIC ACTIVITY. What does that have to do with "disguised agenda writings"?

by but for May 4, 2020

New Word War

The non-violent war individuals and organizations which have the power to popularize a new word wage against one another by inserting new words—they craft to achieve strategic goals—into various forms of media to covertly persuade as many people as possible to do or not do specific things.

The New Word War is intensifying.

by but for October 2, 2017

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A temporary, high altered state an individual rises to in which he or she senses the tiniest things as if they were many times larger and more intensely, cannot ignore them, and feels forced to react to them, often by correcting the source of the irregularity or by taking a break and recuperating from the effects having sensed the stimulus caused in his body.

A graduate student found he was in his super-hyper-sensitive mode again. For example, when he heard the sound of a car horn, it bothered him so much he had to stop doing his homework on the computer, get up, go to the bedroom, and with his feet on the floor lay on the bed to recuperate from the distraction. When he burped or farted he also had to stop and go to the bedroom for a short break. If he was walking to the computer and one of his sandals got caught on the floor tile, or if he hit one of his feet against his other foot, or if the chair he was going to sit on went slightly off-kilter it would frighten him so much he had to go recuperate on the bed.

When he does not stop, acknowledge what he sensed, stop what he is doing, and go recuperate, he feels the pain repressing his need to go recuperate from the reactions his super-hyper-sensitivity causes in his body. Two-years ago, he learned to stop what he was doing and go recuperate.

Knowing it is wiser to forgive the people who blow their horns or his neighbors who somehow bang on the walls or the floors because they do not know better and do not know how to be considerate, he reminds himself to forgive them because they simply are not as aware of things and do not know as much as he continues working so hard to learn.

by but for May 9, 2018


The unexpected things that suddenly happen in people's lives which can in the most extreme cases shock them, but always force them to adapt because the unexpected event(s) prevented them from doing what they were planning to do and hoping to be able to do on a certain day, at a specific time.

Charlie told Kathryn, "It made me so happy to see you guys after the "unexpecteds" that popped into our lives." Monday, you had a family emergency and forgot to take your phone, which left me bewildered not knowing why you were not replying to my emails. Then Tuesday, my Internet was down which prevented us from meeting in ZOOM for me to tutor your lovable son.

by but for April 2, 2021


An individual who repeats an error.

My Mother made me realize that there are people who continually repeat an action they were informed, know, and should remember is an error. They might repeat an error because they forgot it was wrong to do it, or due to some other mental incapacity. I realized she was an “error-repeater”, but that that term is new, so I decided to submitted it to this excellent website that is increasing the body of knowledge and improving everything.

by but for March 21, 2022

profit extraction

Fraudulently obtaining a profit from a consumer by deceiving, manipulating, tricking him or her.

Profit extraction reminds me of a tooth extraction, pulling the tooth out from the gum. It also reminds me of the term "rip off." Ultimately, profit extraction is the act of pulling something which belongs to a person, from them, and taking it away.

by but for March 25, 2018