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a scary ass pussy that thinks they all bout it

recuperate- Rest In Peace peep - obie

by obedsodrizzy June 25, 2019

2👍 1👎

Recuperation Day

(noun) The day after a sickness you contracted has finally subsided, but you are not sure if you should go back to work/school. In essence, a free day where you could go but you "don't think your up to it".

He told me he was feeling better. I guess he's just taking a recuperation day.

What a dickweed: his recuperation day has turned into a recuperation week. I'm stuck with all his work now. Lazy ass bastard.

by RvsB Sarge February 15, 2007

5👍 4👎


process of heat exchange for good

nice recuperation on that AC mate

by akaroti May 23, 2022