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Xav is a super hot guy who has all the simps. Xav is the type of guy who would steal your girl and leave a hand print on her ass. He is the best basketball player in the school and eventually will become pro one day (nba). He is one of the tallest kids in the grade or even the tallest. He uses the number 4 on his basketball jersey. He can also spit bars like he is eminem on some crazy goku shit. He uses number 4 because that's how much ankles he averages per game.

Number 23"Bro that's that guy who stole my girl, damn Ima drop 50 on his ass"
Xav "Ay can we get ambulance and ankle braces for number 23? I think I drop his bum ass to hard."

by butt_smasher December 3, 2021

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