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triangle scrub

the act of scratching your balls with the shaft of ones penis. used normally after having sex with a dirsty whore to try yto get rid of stds

dude after the whore i had to do the triangle scrub for four hours

by candyman420 February 29, 2012

2👍 1👎

Snow angel

a SNOW ANGEL is when it snows and someone make an angel with the hands and feet.

man:"my duaghter loves to make snow angels

by candyman420 March 2, 2012

47👍 15👎

shagin wagon

a shagin wagon is a van type in the late 70's that guys buy to have sex on the go and to smoke weed.Also the van that the scooby doo people drive.

fred:"hey is my shagin wagon here?"

by candyman420 March 2, 2012

5👍 1👎


A knife that is made from sucking} on the end of a candy cane to a point and useing it to stab someone.

My girlfriend stabed me with a candyshiv seven times

by candyman420 November 1, 2013