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some woman who tries to take over your life and controll you, train you and make you her pet, dont ever underestimate the power a woman

lazy, uncooperative, insensitive, poor excuse of a man
see blood sucker
see also controll freak
also see also manipulator

hunny will you do the dishes and clean the cat box i need to go tanning and paint my nails

by cgpm June 14, 2004

41👍 78👎

butt sweat

the shit drippin from underneath your ass hat

when the warm weather hit, butt sweat drpped from marshalls head

by cgpm June 11, 2004

4👍 30👎

to hell and gone

love and marriage

she found love and now getting married i'll never see her again

by cgpm June 25, 2004

2👍 5👎

broke ass

your ass is broken.

no money, pathetic waste of panty space

loves to use women for their money

expects everything to be given to them

hi im a broke ass and i need you to support me.

can i buy me something with your money?

can i borrow some money to buy you something

by cgpm June 13, 2004

18👍 14👎