Source Code

Black and Mild

A nother name for a Half Black, Half White guy

Mason: look its Black and Mild

Keagan: Fuck you!

by chubbychaser37 March 12, 2010

84👍 208👎

Fuzzy Cupcake

The act of put Nair on your lovers ball sack or vagina and then licking it off.

the hair is the fuzz the Nair the icing and the ball sack or vagina the cupcake

Elliott: Dude you mom gave me a great Fuzzy Cupcake last night

Mason: What the fuck man

by chubbychaser37 October 24, 2010

1👍 3👎


A woman you give this name to is a whore or slut but she doesnt know what you really calling her.

Elliott: hey wubby

Kacie: hey whats up with the Wubby?

Elliott: Just a nickname I gave you

by chubbychaser37 October 24, 2010

7👍 16👎

Dirty Snow Cream

The act of throw frozen cum at someones face

Gunny: Hey commander

Commander: Yes?

Gunny: Catch this

Commander: I love frozen Snacks

Gunny: Yep even my Dirty Snow Cream

by chubbychaser37 November 10, 2010

4👍 2👎

Should have had a fuze bitch

Most gay assholes hit you in the head and say "should have had a V8", next time well try hitting someone in the balls and say "sould have had a fuze bitch"

Elliott: (Kicks mason in the balls)

Mason: Fuck

Elliott: Should have had a fuze bitch

by chubbychaser37 October 24, 2010

1👍 3👎

Dick Cheese

The act of jacking off and not cleaning the jizz off your dick leaving Dick Cheese

Mason: Dude my dick cheese smells bad

Elliott: No Shit

by chubbychaser37 November 10, 2010

14👍 26👎