Source Code

Psycho shit

Some quality narcotics

1: yo this chick threw her backpack at me and started cussing out the professor in 3rd

2: man she must have been on some psycho shit

by cinimodde September 23, 2018

A Raisin in the Sun

A contemporary work was written by playwright Lorraine Hansberry about the life of a lower-class Chicago southside black family in the late fifties/early sixties.

Person: Hey, have you read A Raisin in the Sun?
Human: Yeah, dude you should read it.

by cinimodde November 28, 2017


The day in Colorado when at literally any location in the state, you can just take a big whiff and smell weed.

4/20 blaze it phaggot

by cinimodde April 20, 2019

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


So fucking done with school right now


by cinimodde April 24, 2019

December 19 1999

UrbanDictionary's birthday

"o.g" and "player " were posted by the user bob and alpha mu, on December 19 1999, making them the first UrbanDictionary entries. (I'm counting that as UrbanDictionary's birthday)

by cinimodde November 29, 2017


Just pushing the stupidity meter of definitions that UD will publish. If by chance this gets published, and you're unfortunate enough to stumble upon this while looking for an actual definition, move on, my child.

Testing... to see if UD will publish this dumb shit. 'Tis just a test. Move along.

by cinimodde October 8, 2018

23πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A place to put your friends on Black Friday after they have broken several bones getting trampled

I had to cart him to the corner in order to preserve his body for his parents.

by cinimodde December 14, 2016

71πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž