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goofy ahh

A person who tries way to hard to make a funny joke. For example, 10-12 year olds (that pick me's) make jokes that are 3 months old, just to impress others. To reply to these unfunny and cringy jokes, people use "goofy ahh" to express their emotions and hatred for these types of people.

Person: OMG!! THAT WAS LITERALLY SO FUNNY!!!*giggles cutely*
Me: goofy ahh :/

by coolkidthatiscool May 24, 2022

L bozo

This is a human being who is just a loser. For example, this person is just a cringy uncultured being.

Person: Wanna study?
Me: L bozo us cool kids don't study

by coolkidthatiscool May 24, 2022

kawaii goose

A kawaii goose is a goose that acts like it has its own anime. Then it proceeds to make you apart of it.

(Look out for gooses with sparkly eyes and lipstick)

Person 1: "Hey, isn't that..."
Person 2: "A KAWAII GOOSE! RUN!!!"
Kawaii goose: "Come back!!!"

by coolkidthatiscool May 2, 2022

emo goose

A Goose listening to sad xxxtentacion songs through his headphones.

Me: Hey look its an emo goose

by coolkidthatiscool April 29, 2022