Source Code

Uzi Doorman

terrible robot main character emo girl from hit series Murder Drones biting a robot made from metal

Serial Designation N: "Uzi! We don't have anytime to do this!"
Uzi Doorman: "Bite me!"

by crischutu07 October 8, 2023

13👍 9👎

adu vjp

adu vjp (adu means "á đù" in vietnamese and vjp (means "vip" and replace "i" to "j" more look like vip word)

1 ê mày, cho mày xem cái này: (hey bro, i give you watch this)
2 ...
2 adu vjp

1 đẹp không? (good?)
2 ờ ờ đẹp vãi (yeah yeah, so good)

by crischutu07 October 1, 2021

1👍 1👎

taiwan is a country


taiwan is a country
is not a country bro
-10000000000000000 social credits

by crischutu07 March 3, 2022

7👍 4👎


A shebang for shell script

Also it have second alias shebang "#!/bin/sh"

programmer 1: Hey why my code won't work? *send a file.sh*
Programmer 2: you're missing shebang
Programmer 1: wdym shebang?
Programmer 2: #!/bin/bash

by crischutu07 September 3, 2022

vietnamese dong

vietnamese official currency name in english.

american dude: "Hey how much is 1 dollar in vietnam currency?"
random vietnamese dude: "100,000 vietnamese dong."
american dude: "dong.😂"

by crischutu07 July 17, 2023



adu vjp

by crischutu07 October 1, 2021