Source Code

Mexican Cartwheel

The Mexican Cartwheel is a standing Sixty-Nine. Hetero - The man is standing up, the woman has his penis in her mouth, and her thighs are on his shoulders, his face is in her crotch. He can have his arms around her waist, or holding her shoulders. Just be careful getting into, and out of, this position, no dropping of the partner is allowed.

Guy: "Wanna do a Mexican Cartwheel babe?"
Babe: "Only for a few minutes this time, it gives me a headache."

by ct_sailor December 5, 2011

14👍 8👎


The overwhelming feeling of being too full and sleepy after too a big meal. It happens after eating too much turkey on Thanksgiving, or eating a pizza and several beers.

Tom: I can't believe I ate the whole pizza.
Holly: We totally have to go out tonight.
Tom: I am feeling Logi and I need to nap.
Holly: No Way

by ct_sailor January 13, 2011

32👍 6👎