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Contrary to the uncultured pronunciation ("may-back") laid forth by such rappers as Jay-Z and Rick Ross (cf. "Maybach Music" produced by J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League for commercial distribution under the album Trilla (2008)) and thus propagated among the general populace, is actually pronounced "my-bock."

Uneducated individual listening to Rick Ross: Realist shit I ever wrote, chillin' in my Maybach. Damn that Rick Ross be speedin'!
Average individual who has actually read a car magazine: For your information, it's actually pronounced "my-bock." Do yourself a favor and walk into the Rusnak dealership in Pasadena (on Colorado Blvd) and see how far you get with that horrendous attempt at pronunciation.

Rick Ross: Yo son, I'm the Boss, speedin' in the fast lane in my Maybach.
Me: Ok...I'm pretty sure my CL65 AMG is much more navigable on the fast lane and would be more conducive to "speedin'." By the way, I just watched "ThisIs50" and I see your Maybach is leased. Word of advice, a smart and financially secure individual actually buys his car, as opposed to putting $20,000 down and paying about $4000 a month for 3-5 years and getting nothing at the end.

by cultureyourself March 20, 2009

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